I Love Junk

I Love Halloween: Day One

Posted on: October 3, 2009

The first law of blogging is this: If you go around promising posts ahead of time, something WILL happen to make a liar of you. Because this law seems to apply tenfold to me, I managed to miss the first day of my own goddamn countdown. FML. But fear not! I have 31 posts planned, and 31 posts is what you shall receive. I’ll just have to double up, or triple up, depending on how big of a slacker I turn out to be.

I was hoping to start with a long, interesting article, but as today draws to a close I’m realizing that’s not going to happen. A cheap start is better than no start at all, yeah? So instead, I submit for your approval….

Klaus Nomi! Singing songs other than “Lightning Strikes”!

What the hell does Klaus Nomi have to do with Halloween, you ask? Well, his music is… unsettling, to be sure. And he looked like the MPREG lovechild of Liberace and Count Chocula. Surely that counts for something?

Plus, he was German. That’s kind of evil.

In case that first song didn’t make jamming an icepick into your ears seem like a good idea, here’s another. This one comes complete with bonus cheesy 70s video editing effects. Hey, it worked for Queen, right?

Bonus: If you’re a Venture Bros. fan, now you know who that other dude was that hung out with David Bowie and Iggy Pop. Perhaps this tidbit will one day win you some swag or something.


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October 2009